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قصيدة (الــجــبــــال) للراحل الأسطورة محمد عبد الاله العصار
لحج نيوز
السعودية وكابوس الغباء السياسي
بقلم/ عبدالملك العصار
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فتاة تتحول لإله في نيبال لأن رموشها مثل البقرة
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فتيات اليابان غير المتزوجات لم يمارسن الجنس من قبل... لماذا؟
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ماذا يعني وجود "نصف قمر صغير" على أظافرك
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قبل عيدالأضحى .. لماذا حذرت سلطنة عمان النساء من استخدام الحناء السوداء ؟
لحج نيوز/متابعات
مصريّة تقتل زوجها بمساعدة عشيقها بعد أن ضبطهما في أحضان بعض في غرفة نومه
لحج نيوز/متابعات
لحج نيوز - In late September 2014, some press websites and newspapers circulated a statement by Idaroos Az-Zubaidi, leader of the so-called Southern Transitional Council, in which he affirmed Iran’s

الثلاثاء, 09-مايو-2017
لحج نيوز/متابعات -
In late September 2014, some press websites and newspapers circulated a statement by Idaroos Az-Zubaidi, leader of the so-called Southern Transitional Council, in which he affirmed Iran’s support for liberation of the south, segregation of the north and south of Yemen, and a return to pre-1990 condition. This is actually the same attitude put in practice by the far limit state of the Arabian Gulf, led by Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Az-Zubaidi’s documented statements, published by Al-Tariq News on 7 September 2014, were not the first and will not be the last. The already ceremony of the foun. Also, Az-Zubaidi keeps direct contact with the sons of Zayed Al Nahyan (UAE rulers), so obsequiously that it probably reaches the level of sanctification. This is evident by the UAE dishdasha (male scarf) glued to his neck wherever he goes and the UAE flag decorating his office (rather than the Yemeni flag under which he swore to serve when he was appointed Governor of Aden, the interim capital of Yemen, by virtue of a presidential decree).

The scheme of dividing Yemen is clear and is led by the far limit state of the Arabian Gulf. It is implemented by the UAE policeman and proxy in the southern parts of Yemen, Idaroos Az-Zubaidi, who has also made acrimonious attacks against Saudi Arabia in the same statements he made to praise accusing KSA of disrupting the Peaceful Southern Movement and dismantling its components using political money. He also reaffirmed his position in later statements, accusing KSA of playing a pivotal role in the alleged fragmented condition of the southern part of Yemen, especially during his tenure as Governor of Aden (before he was sacked from office).

Referring back to the suspicious relationship of the man with the UAE oligarchy, it would be relevant to remind everyone of the huge quantities of arms and weapons, marked with Iranian brands, and seized by security checkpoints several times during sea patrols. Those arms and weapons disappeared quickly and were sent to “unknown” destinations, of course under leadership and supervision of the governor’s office and the Security Belt. The purpose of that is two-fold: 1) delivery of support to Al-Houthi forces, which were exhausted by the siege imposed by the Arab Coalition forces, and 2) inundation of the interim capital Aden with weapons and formation of several militias under several names, most notably the Security Belt.

Most of the smuggling operations in the southern parts of Yemen have been linked directly to the Security Belt, the main player in the south led by another proxy of the United Arab Emirates, Hani bin Brik. This man, in particular, is known for his ties to religious extremist groups and is believed to be behind the assassination of several key individuals (high rank officials from the police and the military, and also other leaderships) in Aden.

The two men, Hani bin Brik and Az-Zubaidi, have a direct relationship with the far limit state of during the last phase. Therefore, the harvest came to be bitter, and the experience of the southern community was excruciatingly bitter during these two years. Aden became a real hotbed of terrorism; assassinations increased and became almost daily events; and extremist groups grew in number and size, which will constitute the real threat to GCC States in the future, as they have turned into time bombs waiting to explode at any moment.

The fragile security situation in the south of Yemen – fostered by the far limit state of the Arabian Gulf – will ultimately cast a shadow over the security of GCC States in general and Saudi Arabia in particular, given the geographical proximity between the two countries, which makes it easy for extremist groups to move across the Yemeni-Saudi border. This point has been made clear by some suicide bombers in video recordings broadcast by social media websites affiliated to such groups following terrorist operations.

If GCC States do not take early measure to correct the situation, things may go on a more serious slope. Saudi Arabia should take initiative, immediately begin to fill the deep gap that the far limit state of the Arabian Gulf has created in the south of Yemen, and cut off the malicious hands that are trying to tear GCC States apart through the proxies Az-Zubaidi and Hani bin Brik.
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اكتب كود التأكيد:

جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة 2009 - (لحج نيوز)